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Strobogrammatic Number II

Created: October 2, 2019 by [lek-tin]

Last updated: October 2, 2019

A strobogrammatic number is a number that looks the same when rotated 180 degrees (looked at upside down).

Find all strobogrammatic numbers that are of length = n.


Input:  n = 2
Output: ["11","69","88","96"]


# Time:  O(n^2 * 5^(n/2))
# Space: `O(n)`
class Solution:
    def findStrobogrammatic(self, n: int) -> List[str]:
        stroboPairs = { "0": "0", "1": "1", "6": "9", "8": "8", "9": "6" }
        return self.build(stroboPairs, n, n)

    def build(self, stroboPairs, curr, n):
        if curr == 0:
            return [""]
        if curr == 1:
            return list("018")
        prev = self.build(stroboPairs, curr-2, n)
        results = []
        for num in prev:
            for key, val in stroboPairs.items():
                # prevent leading zero
                # curr != n => zero allowed
                # else no leading zeros
                if curr != n or key != "0":
                    results.append(key + num + val)
        return results